Saturday 20 January 2018

Its Durian Season again here in Malaysia

During this Durian season here in Malaysia. You can't help but notice the numerous durian stall scattering around especially along the side of the roads.

These stalls sell various types of durians from "kampung durain" (Village Durian) to the D24 and also to the extremely expensive and in my oppinion, over rated Musang King durian.

The most economical ones are those kampung durains. Price from RM15 for 2 small ones to around RM30 to 2 big ones. Well, it doesn't mean that those cheap durians will be crap. Not most of them. In fact, if you are lucky, you can find some good ones. And usually when they say kampung duraisn, it imply means that it is not identified and grows wildly in the jungle. 

What to look for when trying our your first durian during you visit here in Malaysia.

The main thing you should do first is to identify the type of durian and also the price per kilo or per fruit. Be aware that durians can cost about RM80 to RM180 per kilo depending on the type and also depending on whether the seller wants to suck a quick cash from you.

We recommend getting something like the D24 durian at around RM15 to RM28 per kilo depenfing on vendor and supply. The D24 is one of the most popular among durians for its not so hefty price. You can also try those cheap 2 for RM20 or 3 for RM20 typr of Kampung Durians. The only thing about kampung durian is that you are playing by luck. Some taste sweet and some bitter. Some even taste exactly like whisky. And if you are lucky, you will get it with all those flavors combined.

Or, if you want the best, according to the vendors. You can go for the Musang King Durian at around RM80 to RM120 per kilo depending on vendors. Do note that an average durian size will be around 1+ kilo.

After you have decided on which type of durian you fancy, it is highly recommended that you ask the vendor to cut open the fruit and you need to poke inner fruit with your finger and what you want is a mushy creamy texture and not a hard and dry texture. Reject it if you come across one that is dry and hard.

Its also highly recommend to eat it on the spot in the stall. Most stall prepare some tables and chairs for customers to enjoy it there. Note that most of the hotels and indoor venues does not allow durians.

That's it. These are the few tips that we can think of for your durian eating experience during your visit here in Malaysia.

Thanks for your time and happy holidays.....

Would you like to try what is like to experience what a good durian taste like? Or how about getting your durian eating experience and moments recorded and photographed? Feel free to click the link below.....